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The Best Subreddits For Beginner Gamers!

If you have found this article then we can only assume you are looking at taking your first steps into the world of gaming. So, firstly, let us say welcome! You are now entering into perhaps the greatest hobby on the planet! The world of gaming is a diverse and wonderful one. It has come a long way since the early arcade days.

Reddit has become one of the main gaming hubs on the internet. There is now a subreddit for nearly every title on the planet. And numerous subreddits dedicated to gaming tips, hints, appreciation, and general news. Making Reddit the ideal place for beginner gamers. Today we are going to be highlighting the best subreddits for beginners. Everything from subreddits providing game recommendations to those that can help you upgrade your gaming setup.


One of the biggest issues gamers face is the high cost of hardware. Especially for PC gamers. Modern consoles aren’t cheap. And gaming PC’s will require regular upgrades to keep up with the increasing technical specifications needed to run modern games at a good quality.

Low end gaming is the subreddit dedicated to helping gamers who don’t have the latest hardware. Users can come here to get help with figuring out how to run games on systems that don’t match the exact required specifications. It is also a place to find great gaming recommendations that will run on your current system. I adore this subreddit as it helps break down the financial barriers that so many gamers face.


One of the main issues with modern gaming reviews is that many of the larger blogs are often paid by developers to give favourable reviews. Making it difficult to get an accurate feeling for what a game will be like. And with game prices being so high these days it is vitally important to know what you are buying.

Should I Buy This Game is the best place to get unbiased, honest reviews on specific games. The open forum nature of Reddit means that you’re likely to get a huge array of different opinions. Covering a wide range of areas regarding a specific title. And the upvote system will allow you to gauge how valid certain reviews actually are.

One thing to be wary of on this subreddit is scammers or paid posts. The sub has become increasingly aware of this and is trying to shadowban as many of them as possible. You might be wondering exactly what is shadowban? This is a ban where a user can still post but their posts are invisible to all other users.


One of the best parts of gaming, in our opinion, is the in-depth discussions it facilitates. Gaming is an art form first and foremost. The art design, sound and music, intricacies of gameplay dynamics, themes and storytelling. All of these elements are woven together into an interactive medium that is second to none.

True gaming is a subreddit dedicated to the in-depth discussions surrounding every and any aspect of gaming. This is where you can go to learn more about the artistic and technical aspects of game design. You will find everything from philosophical discussions to technical appreciation posts.


Couch co-op used to be one of the best aspects of gaming. The ability to sit down with your friends and family and enjoy a multiplayer game together without the need of multiple consoles. Sadly we have seen gaming shift away from couch co-op. Where a vast majority of games used to feature local multiplayer it has now become all too rare.

Local multiplayer games is a subreddit dedicated to finding titles that embrace the couch co-op tradition. It is ideal for beginner gamers looking for titles to enjoy with their friends or family. My favourite thing about this subreddit is that it is great at highlighting some of the more niche indie titles that don’t often get enough recognition.


Roleplaying games are easily the most popular genre in the industry. And it is also one of the best genres for beginners. This subreddit is a great place to find an RPG that is best suited to your skillset and interests. There are so many different RPGs to choose from. Everything from fantasy adventures to cyberpunk hellscapes.

This is also one of the best places to get advice in regards to a specific RPG you are struggling with. Or if you’re just looking to discuss something you particularly enjoyed about said game.

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